Monday, April 2, 2012

Guiness Banned Advertisement

For this video, consider first the specifics of the video itself. What is this video saying about sex and sexuality? What are the gender dynamics being performed here, explicitly or implicitly? How does this sell the product and what message is being pushed here?

Furthermore, you should also consider this video in light of the advertisment of alcoholic beverages in general. Is there a trend of alchol advertisements using sex, and if so how does this video fit in with that tradition? Does this video follow the usual format or does it push beyond the usual boundaries? This commercial was banned in some countries, including the U.S.; what about this video makes it beyond the norm for American television? If you have experience with beer and alcohol advertisements from other countries, how does this compare to other culturally specific advertisement campaigns?


  1. In this video, the woman is shaking with a bottle of alcohol on her back and three man share the bottle of alcohol with each other. On one hand, three men share a bottle of alcohol hints that they have sex with a woman together. On the other hand, this advertisement uses sharing sex to sell alcohol. Although gender dynamics performs implicitly in this advertisement, it is still out of usual boundaries because of the implication of sharing a woman with other men. It is unusual and out of social moral to have sex with so many people. We all know that alcohol can help people to get excited. Thus, people are more likely to have sex after drinking. And this is why alcohol advertisements usually use sex in many countries. However, it hardly happens in China because Chinese media is very conservative.

  2. I agree with what Lu Zhao said about how the bottle of alcohol hints at the woman having sex with multiple men and how the video is out of the usual boundaries. On top of that, I believe the video implies that drinking Guiness will make you manlier and will get you a girl that is willing to have sex with you. The video heavily emphasizes the society’s view of the male figure and female figure, where the female is the object and the male is dominant figure.

  3. I agree with what has been said previously by Allen and Lu. What I'd like to point out is the motion the woman is making and the fact of her being naked suggests that she is currently having some sort of intercourse. This advertisement somewhat supports the claim that most alcohol ads relate to sexual behavior. Personally, this one takes it over the top. Another thing that ads to my claim is that the men appear to be naked as well. If sex is what sells today, I think the brains behind this ad could have come up with a more appropriate way to sell Guiness. I'm glad this commercial was banned in America because no parent would want to have their child witness this commercial.

  4. In this advertisement, three men sex with one woman with drinking beer. This ad tries to say that if you buy this beer, you can enjoy your sex with your friends. And sound of ad is rhythmical and cheerful, so it implies that this beer makes your sex more exicted. I've never seen that kind of ad in my country, korea because my country is little bit conservative, not open as United States.

  5. This video falls into just about every stereotype that can be made about alcohol ads. The first is that it is trying to sell the product by implying that if you drink it, you will have a good time; in this case that good time happens to be sex. Like most beer commercials which are mainly trying to appeal to men(that is a whole different can of worms) this ad objectifies women. They not only do this by using her explicitly as an object of sex, but in the video the men are the only ones who are able to enjoy the beer.

  6. The advertisement is very different, we can just see a tempting back of a woman who seems was making out in the video, and the alcoholic beverage was shaking on her back with the shaking of her body. "Share one with one friend or two" hints that having sex with three men although it seems that sharing alcohol with friends.Also the video implies that if you drink Guiness, you can experience the happiness of having sex with hot girls. It is out of the usual boundaries but it is really a truth that alcoholic always makes people excited and crazy. Sex after drinking has been normal and it is a trend to use sex in alcohol advertisements.I think the this video will become a moral problem.

  7. The video starts with a naked woman who sways a bottle of alcohol on her waist. Through the video, three men share the bottle of alcohol with her. It very obviously that the director wants to show they have sex together and share one bottle of alcohol. The gender dynamics in this video are very implicit. It reveals the plot of the video very veiled. For specific, the video doesn’t contain explicit images of the other guys. The company uses the advantages of the commercial which includes the plot about sex to attract customers. There is a tendency of advertisement using sex to engage customers. The reality is that more and more people have the courage to express their interests about sexuality or sex directly. Companies just catch this tendency to realize big leap to make profits. The video pushes beyond the formal version of advertisement. I also agree with the above comments that it crosses normal rules of morals. I had watched different beer and alcohol advertisements in China. And I find that US’s alcohol advertisements are open than China’s.

  8. I agree with a lot of what was said by my classmates. The motion of her body does suggest that she is currently having sex. Also, it ties Guiness brand beer to having sex. With this connection, it hints that if you buy Guiness you will have sex and or foursomes. Finally, the share one with a friend…or two could also hint back to the girl and sex.

  9. All comments above mentioned this video imply one woman had sex with three men. Although I agree with that, the question is, how do we know that? Explicitly, there is a bottle of alcohol on the back of a naked-shaking woman body, and then three men shared that beer in turns. However, what behind this is, there are three things: 1.alcohol 2.naked-shaking woman body 3.positions of three men - which are indicated by where hands come out, are suggesting that this woman is having sex with all three men at the same time. Although it is a stereotype how people sell alcohols by connecting sexuality for many years over the world, it is still a intolerable thing that 3 men & 1 woman having sex together, I think that is why this commercial was banned. Media should be responsible for guiding the society since this advertising may cause some social problems, like promiscuity.

  10. This video is probably the most straight forward alcohol commercial I have ever witnessed. Like everyone else addressed it is obvious that the girl is supposed to look like she is having sex with two men. This video is implying that if you go out and by Guiness beer with your friends sex will be extremely easy to come by. Sex has become normal with drinking as Wen stated, but i do not think it makes it right to make such a graphic advertisement. It would really surprise me if I actually saw this on live TV.

  11. As many of my classmates have said, this video is very informal to where as it is degrading to women. The reaction to a women would be completely opposite to a mans where she might even feel violated. I think that if I were to see this commercial with male friends, I would feel disrespected & as Allen said like an object. Adding on from what Allen said, it didn't even strike me as the man possibly feeling more manlier by drinking the specific type of brand because it is just a beer in my eyes.... Personally I am thankful this was banned from the US because I couldn't even imagine how awkward I would feel if I saw this commercial with my father.

  12. I agree to the fact that Guiness used sexual activity to advertise their product much like all the other alcohol advertisements. This implys that drinking alcohol will bring you sexual activity after drinking it. I find this advertisement interesting because as a teenage male, sharing a female with a friend is something I wouldn't mind doing. As appealing as this may be to males, I understand where Madison is coming from in a female perspective. This is embarrassing and disappointing to females because they are sharing her between friends which is can be seen as disrespectful in many ways.

  13. I agree with everybody's comment that the main point of this commercial was to imply that drinking Guiness will lead to a good time and sex. I think the commercial was aimed at more than just men, though. By not showing any of the people involved, the commercial created a sort of mystery, and as more people became involved the "story" became more intriguing. This can be a source of entertainment for all viewers, and can also cause them to start asking themselves questions as to what all could be going on outside of the shot. A train of thought like this allows for each person to personalize the commercial. Basically, this commercial was probably aimed at all people who are adventurous, or want to be adventurous because it makes them curious and then gives them a starting point for their own version of excitement.

  14. This commercial and specially the statement at the end hits two birds in one stone, it says "share one with your friends", which can be implied to both the alcoholic beverage and the woman being shared by three men. Going along with what everyone said it is clear that the message here is alcohol leads to great times and lots of sex, kinky sex. At the beginning of the video, a sense of suspense was created by not revealing the identities of the people involved, they only show three different hands from three different directions grabbing the beer and putting it back on the shaking woman's body.

  15. I agree with most of the previous comments posted. Guiness is clearly using sex to help sell their product. The video implies that three men are having sex with a women and also sharing the beer on her back. It is normal for beer companies to use sex to help sell their product. This advertisement was much more blatant about it which is probably why it was banned in the United States. Beer companies use the tactic in their commercials that say if you drink their alcohol then it will lead to you having sex.

  16. I agree with the above comments about the video is implying that three men are having sex with one woman. T At the end of the video, it states that you, the viewer, should share one with a friend or two. This statement can not only apply to sharing the beer, but also implies that you should share the woman for sex. Beer is usually associated as the drink of choice for men and as such many beer advertisements are directed at men and often include sexual themes.

  17. The video is one that I am not surprised was outlawed in the U.S. We usually have some decently raunchy stuff in beer commercial that make you think, "how are they airing that," but this commercial goes beyond that boundary. It is actually a pretty gross idea, even though it is some males fantasy, I wouldn't want a younger sibling to see this while watching an NFL game and ask me what it means. I agree with mostly everyone's comments and it is interesting to hear a different view point from a country like China.

  18. I am not surprised in the slightest that this commercial got banned by the U.S. We usually allow some pretty raunchy commercial to air, but this is far beyond anything that I have ever seen on television. I think the innuendo in this commercial is pretty gross truthfully, although it may be some guys fantasy. It doesn't have a place for public television. I wouldn't want to be watching NFL games with a younger sibling and have to explain this commercial to them. I agree with mostly everyone's comments. I find it interesting to hear a different viewpoint of media in a different country such as China.
